Social Notes and Rules of Etiquette

Miss girl up to age 18
Master boy up to age 9
Ms. girl 18 and over
either single, or marital status unknown
Mr. boy 18 and over
Boys, ages 10 – 17 no title used
Messrs. when addressing 2 brothers
The Misses when addressing 2 sisters
Mrs. + (woman’s first name) + last name Divorced Woman
Mrs. + (husband’s first name) + last name Widow
Married Couple – Woman keeps maiden name ex:
Mr. George Nelson and Ms. Anne Roberts
(more traditional)
Ms. Anne Roberts
Mr. George Nelson
Unmarried Couple living together ex:
Ms. Anne Flohem
Mr. George Nelson
Married Couple when both are Doctors ex:
The Doctors Branlon (more traditional)
Drs. Elaine and William Lipton
Married Couple when the woman is ranked higher that her husband
(i.e. a Judge)
Dr. Elaine Allen and
Mr. Willlam Lipton
Homosexual Couple Listed alphabetically on separate lines
When there are several members of a family to be invited, avoid the phrase “and family” ex:
Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntosh
Belinda and Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh
Gordon McIntosh
A person who is is 18 or older should receive his/her own invitation.
Try to avoid the term “and Guest”. It is preferable to try and find out the Guest’s name as that individual should receive his or her own invitation.  Never use “and Fiancee”.